- You give permission for you're animals images to be used on our socials and website.
- 25% none refundable deposit is required upfront to secure any booking dates.
- This deposit is due upfront within 24 hours of booking with Mishlo Pet Services.
- Failure pay the deposit may result in your Services being cancelled within 48 hrs.
- Remaining balance is then due maximum five (5) business days prior to your booking commencement.
Can also be paid off weekly, fortnightly or monthy in advance apon arrangements with Mishlo Pet Services
Cancellation or Termination
Without incurring fines or damages, either party may end this pet-sitting agreement at least 72 (seventy-two) hours before the first planned visit.
A 30% cancellation fee of the total final balance amount will be assessed if the Owner cancels without providing the minimum notice needed or does so during a recognized holiday, unless the cancellation is due to inclement weather, a death in the family, or an urgent medical situation.
During services: 24 hr is required for early cancellation of services. No credit or refund will be issued on the total costs during this time on the cancellation of services mid service.
If the Sitter must cancel later than 72 hours before the Owner's departure due to unforeseeable circumstances, the Sitter will return all funds paid so far minus the None refundable deposit. Or offer the client an account credit.
Long weekends & public holidays:
A10% surcharge applies on all long weekends public holidays special days (NYE, Christmas eve etc.)
This will refect on each quote / invoice or be billed out accordingly if services are added on. No refunds or credits provided.
Travel charges per km:
A travel charge of $1.00 per km if you are outside our 20 km radius for each booking / visit.
This will be calculated and displayed on each quote or invoice once bookings are confirmed.
Food & supplies:
If not adequate amounts of food or supplies are left for the duration of the service, Mishlo pet services will ensure to replace and purchase more for your or our local suppliers & invoice out the costs of the goods & surcharge. The payment is then due within 7 days from receiving of invoice.
​ Pet Aggression & Safety:
If a pet starts acting aggressively or dangerously, the sitter may:
Make arrangements with the pet's guardian to take care of the animal until the owner returns;
If the Guardian is unable or unwilling to take care of the pet, the Owner may, at its expense, place the animal in a kennel or other animal care facility.
In either of the above scenarios, this agreement will be assumed to have ended unless the sitter consents to carry on with extra housekeeping tasks and/or pet care for additionally stated pets without a pay cut.
Any inaccurate or deceptive information on the Owner's Information or Pet Information forms could be considered a violation of the provisions of this Pet Sitting Contract and cause it to be immediately terminated.
Any reimbursements or relief from unpaid balances are not granted to the Owner in the event of termination under the above-mentioned scenarios.
Confirmation of arrival home:
Please note: At the end of your booking, for the safety of your pets we will continue to provide visits until we hear that you have arrived home safely.
To avoid any unwanted charges, please ensure you have contacted us to let us know of your safe arrival home.
In relation to the services rendered for the Owner, the Sitter shall be covered by liability insurance.
If another individual has access to the property during the time of this agreement, The Sitter accepts no responsibility for any security violations, loss of, or damage to the Owner's property.
Any accident of any kind that may befall a pet or that is brought on by a pet that has unsupervised access to the outdoors shall not be the responsibility of the Sitter.
In the event that the pet injures the Sitter, the Owner shall be responsible for all medical costs, damages, and loss of use of the Owner's property.
Mishlo Pet services will not be made responsible (or made to replace or pay) due to the injury or death of my pet/s due to natural disaster, weather conditions, power outage, or freak accident or emergency occurring during the time in their care.
Governing Law
Should any provision of this Pet Sitting Contract and Agreement be determined by an appropriate court to be invalid, it shall not in any way affect the remaining provisions. This Pet Sitting Contract and Agreement shall be construed, interpreted, and governed in accordance with the laws of the State of Victoria.
The parties understand that any or all portions of this agreement may be delivered to the other party in readable and recordable electronic form and that such portions shall be deemed to have been delivered upon the receiving party's acknowledgment of receipt.
The headers of paragraphs are merely there for the convenience of reference and are not meant to affect how rights or obligations under this agreement should be interpreted or determined.
When suitable, terms denoting one gender also denote the other, and vice versa for words denoting single and plural.​
Keys and Property Access
MISHLO Pet Services will be taking care of my pets while I'm away. It is essential that a representative of this company be permitted entry into my house. I give you permission to handle any issues with broken keys or locks on my property.
In the case that a sitter needs to hire a locksmith to enter a client's property because the client failed to leave a key or the lock or key malfunctioned, the customer is responsible for paying all associated charges. These charges will be billed out and due to be paid within 7 days of your completion date of service.
In the event of the aforementioned circumstances, the Client expressly grants the pet sitter/company the right to hire a locksmith on the Client's behalf.
Veterinary care
My pet pet/s will be in the care of Melissa or Frank Patti of Mishlo Pet Services during our booking time period.
I authorise them to trasport or to call out our qualified veterinarian of our choice.
Otherwise if not available, One that is available at the time with a scheduled appointments or in case of/ during an emergency.
I/we agree to be contacted by the clinic via email/ what's app & pay via electronic funds transfer or via credit card over the telephone, subject to the veterinary clinic’s payment policy.